
easy | mobile | 50 points

I made my own app to remind me of all the things I need to do

What I thought would be the hardest easy challenge, turned out to be the challenge I solved the fastest!

The challenge included an .apk file. Knowing nothing about mobile CTF challenges, I started looking through the files and folders in this apk file.

├── resources.arsc
├── DebugProbes.Kt.bin
├── classes.dex
├── AndroidManifest.xml
├── res/
├── kotlin/
├── assets/
│   ├── databases/
│   │   └── todos.db

I ended up finding a file called todos.db in /assets/databases.

Again, not knowing what exactly to search for, I started browsing through the different options, and found some data in a table named todo.

The = at the end confirmed that this was base64 encoded data. The first few letters reminded me of the text from the Bass64 challenge, which meant that decoding this would output the flag for the challenge!

$ echo "ZmxhZ3s1MjZlYWIwNGZmOWFhYjllYTEzODkwMzc4NmE5ODc4Yn0=" | base64 -d

Flag: flag{526eab04ff9aab9ea138903786a9878b}

More writeups from HacktivityCon CTF 2021