TEASER: su admin

beginner | web | 50 points

Open the flag designer and see if you can hack your way into the admin base. Note: Only the URL https://portal.hackazon.org/flagdesigner and its sub-URLs are part of the teaser challenge.

There was one image attached with this challenge, admin_flag.png.

A flag with three horizontal stripes - darker orange, lighter orange and yellow - with a black logo in the center, and a beige-colored circle at bottom right.

The flag designer provides options to customize the flag.

The left side contains options to choose between two different overlays and colors for each overlay. The right side contains the flag with the selected options.

The first step would be to recreate the admin flag, however this isn't possible as the logo in the center is not available out of the 14 available overlays.

One thing I tend to do with web challenges is check the source code of the website. Checking the source code of this website revealed a link to the flag's image.

<img data-v-5534683e src="/flagdesigner/api/flag/7/0/9/5/2/4/1/1.svg" alt="Flag">

After some trial and error, I realized that each of the numbers represented either a color or an overlay option of some part of the flag.

As there were only 14 overlay options in the flag designer, changing the part of the URL for overlay #1 to 15 for fun actually revealed the admin flag logo! Changing the color for the overlay to black (3) revealed the flag required to solve the challenge.

The admin flag with the text CTF{YOU-HAZ-ADMIN-FLAG} at the bottom.


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